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The Aindo Synthetic Data platform is powered by Docker containers running in a Kubernetes cluster, ensuring scalability and reliability across a variety of use cases.

The platform’s architecture can be represented schematically as follows: Architecture of a reference deployment

As illustrated in the schema, the platform is composed of multiple services that work together to achieve modularity, flexibility, and reliability. The core components are the following:

1APIComponent which handles API requests coming from users’ browser or API clients
2FrontendComponent which serves frontend assets
3WorkersPool of workers which handles light to medium tasks
4AI WorkersPool of workers which handles AI tasks
5RedisPlatform caching and message broker
6S3Platform storage
7PostgreSQLPlatform database

The application is designed to be horizontally and vertically scalable depending on the needs. Here are some examples of how this scalability can be leveraged:

  • [Horizontal scaling] to increase the number of concurrent synthesis jobs (such as training and synthetic dataset generation), you may increase the number of replicas of component #4;
  • [Horizontal scaling] to support a higher number of concurrent users on the platform, you may increase the replicas of component #1 and #3;
  • [Vertical scaling] to synthesize larger datasets, you may enhance the computational power of the nodes hosting component #4.